The Fun Of Spending Time With Adult Children

Posted: 11 years ago | By: Christine Somers | In: Life Management | Read Time: 1 minute, 56 seconds


I managed to miss the major snowstorm that hit New York this past weekend but didn't dodge the cold that my grandtwins passed on to me as I was leaving Charlotte for Florida. The best news is the weather in Jacksonville; it is a Chamber of Commerce dream. Currently it is a cool 72 degrees and the only down side is that I have to wear sunglasses because the sun is so bright. I am sure this cold will not be able to withstand the healing rays of the sun. 

I joyously look forward to the next few weeks as I get to spend time with not only my grandchildren but with my son. As adults it is easy to allow the various commitments in our life to crowd out time with our children. Grandchildren, aging parents and work all supersede the one-on-one time that we once had for our children. During my visit, Matthew and I will make the time to be together. 

The fun part is that Matthew has a creative to-do list for us to tackle. We are going to paint, hang pictures, organize closets and cabinets and generally laugh our way through a home makeover. Matthew is recently divorced and is now a single father of four kids. He is working to make a home for himself and his children. I am honored that he is including me on this journey. Divorce is painful, disruptive and in almost every case financially draining. I don't negate the pain of divorce but there can be one bright spot, divorce can instigate a period of creativity and positive change. 

In Matthew's case it is starting with his home. New color and artwork on the walls will change the mood of his environment. He also is challenging the conventional use of a couple of rooms in the house. The formal living room is now his home office while the formal dining room is transforming into a library for the kids. The changes at home are a reflection of the changes in his life. During this project I will be his sidekick in design and will post photos along the way. Are you able to spend time with your adult children and if you do, what kinds of things do you do together?
