Life as Art: What are You Creating?

Posted: 11 years ago | By: Christine Somers | In: Life Management | Read Time: 1 minute, 59 seconds


Friedrich Nietzsche said, "Live your life as a work of art." That statement creates so many wonderful images; I ask you, if your life is a work of art, what media best represents you?  I think of mine as a book. Multiple chapters that expand everyday as pages are written with each step I take. My book becomes a single chapter in a greater book called Family. I know the story of those who came before me and I fit nicely in with their narrative. I can only imagine the great deeds that will be written about my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren when I am gone.

Sometimes I view my life as though I am watching a movie and I root heartily for the heroine of the story. I don't have many car chases but do work to make sure the art direction is tasteful. No cluttered rooms or worn out shoes...okay, not when the camera is rolling anyway. But in both these media I strive to be worthy of and heroic in the leading role. I remember once telling an ex-boy friend that our relationship was not working because I had become a bit player in my own movie. Yes, I do talk that way but it was true. He was taking the leading role in my life and as any good script writer will tell you, the lead character must be able to carry the movie. 

Again, I ask you, is your life a work of art and if so, what media? TV, book, movie, theater...ah, the about legitimate art or maybe folk art? If TV,  is it a sitcom  or a mini-series? Is there a leading man or leading women similiar to the cast of NCIS or more like the crew from Jersey Shore? Is your life whimsical or serious? Happy or sad? 

You are the writer, the producer, the location manager, the set designer, the costume designer and every other roles needed to manage your life. You can write whatever script you want for can be charming, happy, capable or whatever you can imagine. It is all up to you whether you want to drift through life or mindfully craft the life and person you want to be. So I ask, is your life a work of art; what are you creating?