Intentional Living Week Five: Are You Moving Forward?

Posted: 11 years ago | By: Christine Somers | In: Intentional Living Series | Read Time: 1 minute, 55 seconds

{Hot Air Ballooning in Wyoming}

Four weeks ago, you committed to living a more intentional life. Are you moving forward? This week I am going to recap the process, reviewing the objective of each week. Take a moment to appraise your progress and your successes. 

In week one, you learned about the Morning 30.  The Morning 30 is your personal commitment to take 30 minutes a day, not necessarily in the morning, to sit quietly and think. It is a time to quiet your mind and reflect upon the life you are living. You also made the commitment to create a comfortable place in your home to spend your Morning 30. 

In week two, you started to ask the right questions about your life. Do you feel you are in control and/or gladdened by the way you are living? Are you content and/or heartened by the way you treat other people including your significant other, children and other family members?  Do you sense that change is coming your way? These open-ended questions functioned as a tool to help you personalize your journey as you created your own list of key questions about your life. 

In week three, you took your Morning 30 to evaluate and document what is working in your life and what isn't. Building upon your answers to the questions in week two, you complied a written list of observations about your life. You were honest with your assessment about what was working and what wasn't when creating your Life Lists

In week four, you began to list your personal priorities. You started by reviewing your Life Lists and identifying priorities from the 'what was working' and 'what is not'. The purpose here is NOT to limit priorities at this time, so add additional ambitions that you believe will lead to enhancing your life. 

Week 5 Assignment: Review

Take this week to review each item. Do you feel you are on target? Do you find that spending 30 minutes a day in quiet time is making a difference in your life? Are you beginning to articulate your vision for you life throught the Life Lists? This week is a time for quiet review. In week five, I will discuss how to begin to cull and clarify your priorities. 
